
发送: 2022年9月1日
来自: 临时总统史蒂夫·佩雷斯


The new academic year is in full swing and the positive energy around campus is palpable. We are happy to share some positive news about our campus status related to the ongoing COVID-19大流行.

基于美国疾病控制与预防中心(CDC) 指标, COVID-19 cases and related hospitalizations in Santa Clara County have dropped to “中等”水平,过去两周一直保持在这个水平. 我们的政策允许 a change to the masking policy if the County remains in the “Medium” category or lower 三个星期. Given Santa Clara County’s current status, we expect to adjust effective Monday, September 12, assuming that County 指标 remain stable. 


  • 在校园的大多数室内场所都要戴口罩 在校园医疗机构内仍需要口罩 -从被要求到 强烈推荐并强烈鼓励.
  • 我们的校园口罩状态可以在 p9ks.technestng.com/healthadvisories.
  • 我们将传递信息 此状态更改的确认 9月12日之前.


  • 强烈建议屏蔽 对于那些曾经 暴露于COVID-19. Please wear a mask as soon as you find out you were exposed and continue masking 整整10天.
  • 如果您患有COVID-19 or are experiencing symptoms but have yet to be diagnosed, masking is strongly recommended around others in all settings unless you are al一个, and you should wear your mask through Day 10 following positive diagnosis (and potentially beyond if symptoms persist).
  • If you are at risk for serious illness if exposed, masking is strongly recommended.
  • For questions about COVID exposure and illness, employees should contact Yazmin Perez (yazmin.perez@technestng.com 电话:408-924-2155)或 up-leaves@technestng.com.


  • Removing masks in indoor spaces will likely cause a higher level of anxiety for some 我们的校园社区. 请记住,有些人仍然是高危人群 more adverse outcomes from COVID-19 or regularly share spaces with some一个 who is.
  • Please be considerate of those who may be uncomfortable being near individuals who 没有被蒙面.
  • Distinct rules cannot be made within individual classrooms or departments.
  • Those who continue to choose to mask should not feel they are unwelcome or subject 审查.


  • As we’ve been doing for more than two years now, we should all be prepared to stay flexible and be prepared to increase safety measures when needed. 
  • 如果圣克拉拉县疾控中心的指标从 从低到高的社区层面, 菠菜网lol正规平台 will change safety strategies after giving 一个 week’s notice.
  • People should be prepared to resume wearing masks indoors if external conditions worsen.

菠菜网lol正规平台 will continue to adhere to required safety measures from the California Department of Public Health and the Santa Clara County Public Health Department. 我们的整体 approach essentially remains the same, based first and foremost on the care, health, 以及我们校园社区的福祉. 

As the situation continues to change and evolve, we’ll adjust and modify our approach, 以及我们对校园协议和实践的决定. 我们将继续沟通 每当我们的政策和方法发生变化时. 一如既往地感谢你 你的灵活性和适应能力. 

