

学生 -浏览 COVID-19疫苗要求 页面或联系方式 studenthealthcenter@technestng.com.

员工 -浏览 大学工作人员 页面或联系方式 up-vaccine-mgmt@technestng.com



Ensuring your safety 和 those around you during the COVID-19 p和emic requires having a supply of face coverings, personal protective equipment (PPE), 和 sanitary supplies. 为了满足这一需求,设施发展部 & 操作(FD&O)创造了这一切 专业 COVID-19安全供应申请表. It is designed to streamline requests for the most common COVID-19 safety supplies 你可能需要保证你的工作环境安全.


Any student, faculty, or staff member whose presence is required on campus, including 我们的非现场工作地点(如.e.Moss L和ing海洋实验室,儿童发展 中心).


请求由FD审核&O客户服务中心. 如果出现问题 or if your request is for large quantities or uncommon items, staff in the Customer Service Center elevate the request to a manager for further review. 在这些情况下, 我们可能会联系您以提供进一步的信息.


Generally, orders for stocked items will be delivered within three business days following 收到请求,或在指定日期. 请注意,当FD&啊,有 a high level of commonly-needed items on h和, should we need to place additional 订单、履行时间可能会受到影响. 如果这影响到你的要求,我们会 communicate with you to provide revised timeframes 和 discuss potential alternatives. 

For other items requested which we do not commonly stock, an FD&O代表遗嘱 contact you to further discuss your needs, ensure we source the appropriate items, 并为您提供一个估计的完成时间框架.

一旦请求被批准,FD&工作人员将收集订单并送到指定地点 requested, with locations beyond the main or south campus potentially requiring pick up. Deliveries are designed to be contactless, with staff placing the order inside 房间在未与请求者联系的情况下请求. 将会发送一封电子邮件 一旦交付完成,通知请求者. 


If you have questions concerning this process or a request that you have already placed, 请与FD联系&O客户服务中心电话408-924-1990或电子邮件 workcontrol@technestng.com


The 菠菜网lol正规平台 学生健康中心 serves all registered students by providing treatment 关心和支持学生群体的福祉. 除了预约 with licensed physicians, the Health Center also provides support services such as a laboratory, pharmacy, physical therapy, radiology, dermatology, podiatry 和 sports 医学. 目前提供的服务包括面对面和远程医疗.


The 斯巴达式的书店 provides textbook returns, class materials online ordering 和 为菠菜网lol正规平台校园社区准备的菠菜网lol正规平台服装. 访问该网站获取最新信息 关于书店在COVID-19大流行期间的运营情况.


eCampus provides strategies to facilitate classes online in case of unforeseen circumstances, 像COVID-19. 资源 include how to get started, best practices, 和 frequently 问问题. 


Created by eCampus, the 学习在任何地方 resource center provides a rich amount of information 帮助学生准备今年秋天的在线课程. 资源包括即将到来的 和 预录的研讨会, a 包含教程链接的“操作”页面 关于您将使用的所有核心技术,以及 重点校园资源


菠菜网lol正规平台’s Information Technology Division provides solutions to continue business operations 以及校外服务. 资源包括可用的技术和工具,以及 培训和支持方案.


大学工作人员 has created the following forms for supervisors 和 Management 人事计划(MPP)员工. 


The 菠菜网lol正规平台家长和家庭门户网站 is a new way to stay involved with your Spartan 在圣何塞州立大学任教.


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  • 个性化的通讯
  • 电子邮件提醒
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