
When an employee separates from the University, several steps must be followed prior 到员工的最后一天.


  1. Collect a letter of resignation from the employee
  2. 打印员工简介 菠菜网lol正规平台 @ Work and provide the date of termination (the first day they are no longer in the department) and the “last day physically worked” in the Comments section; attach the resignation letter and send to 员工支援服务.
  3. 批准员工缺勤 菠菜网lol正规平台 @ Work
  4. If the separating employee has any direct reports for Absence 管理 purposes, submit a completed 位置管理 Action Form [DocuSign] to designate "new reports to."
  5. 启动 员工 Clearance Form [DocuSign]  [说明: 文档, Video]

For employees leaving the University, an exit interview will be scheduled with an 员工支援服务 Representative in 大学工作人员. 的 员工 Clearance Form [DocuSign]  [说明: 文档, Video] must be completed prior to this meeting. 本次会议期间,我们将:

  • Encourage completion of the confidential exit survey
  • Provide forms regarding retirement contributions and/or COBRA information
  • Provide information regarding payment of final wages
  • Confirm the employee's current mailing address


  1. Collect a letter of resignation from the employee
  2. Submit the appropriate paperwork to 教师服务:
    1. For temporary faculty, update CSU Contract Data and generate a Revision form, providing the date of termination (the first day they are no longer in the department) and the “last day physically worked” in the Comments section. 的 Revision form and the resignation 信件必须上传到 OnBase Temporary 教师 Appointments form.
    2. For all other faculty positions, print an 员工档案 from 菠菜网lol正规平台 @ Work and provide the date of termination (the first day they are no longer in the department) and the “last day physically worked” in the Comments section; attach the resignation 信件及电邮至 up-facultyservices@technestng.com.
      1. In the Comments section of the 员工档案, indicate 一个 of the following reasons 辞职:
        1. 渴望搬迁
        2. 对工作不满意
        3. 家庭和/或儿童保育
        4. 健康
        5. 自雇
        6. 配偶的工作
        7. 接受其他工作
        8. 去上学
        9. 去找另一份工作
        10. 未知:请解释
  3. 启动 员工 Clearance Form [DocuSign]  [说明: 文档, Video]
  4. If the faculty member has benefits, direct them to speak with their 好处 Representative to see how their benefits is impacted by their departure.
